The 10,000-foot view
There are two metabolisms: Fat Burner and Sugar Burner
Throughout human history, most of us lived in a fat-adapted metabolism. It is our default metabolism that every baby is born in. During most of our existence, food wasn't easily obtainable. We hunted and gathered it. Eventually, we learned to grow crops and control livestock.
Some struggled to eat a proper diet and suffered from malnutrition, however, most flourished. People lived connected to the earth while receiving health-promoting sunshine and eating real food.
As we've modernized our lives, we've lost the connection to the earth and sun while radically changing our diets. We're the only species smart enough to re-engineer our food supply and stupid enough to eat it. We've also radically changed our light environments and are rarely in touch with the earth. Our DNA isn't encoded to handle all of these changes, and as a result they have many negative consequences.
Now most of what we consume is food-like substances with little to no nutrition. These processed food-like substances keep us constantly hungry looking for the nutrition and satiety they are lacking, while slowly poisoning us.
For optimal health we require essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. They were provided by our ancestors real food diets but are sadly lacking today and we are paying the price for it.
This radical change to our diets and environments created a second new metabolism, "sugar burner". Unfortunately, even though this is understood in the medical literature, it isn't taught in medical schools and is a foreign concept to most practitioners. Understanding this helps you grasp why many say we have a sick-care system instead of a healthcare system. Without this basic understanding of how the body responds differently in each of these metabolic states, it becomes almost impossible for most physicians to help.
Most physicians are wonderful caring people who want to do well. However, they are greatly handcuffed by what they haven't been taught and the guidelines they are forced to work within. Between lack of useful education and being over worked with very limited time spent with the patients, it is a no win proposition. It results in poor patient health and also a tremendous amount of burnout among physicians.
Some take the time to figure this out and tend to move back into private practice and are truly making a positive impact with their patients, however, most find it difficult to invest the time to understand the root causes of disease and the limitations of our failing systems and models of care.
Most chronic diseases are also called diseases of modernity. After a 32-year career inside of the Population Health Management, Risk Management, and Pharma worlds I had an epiphany. For decades we've been taught that these diseases of modernity were chronic and progressive. In 2018, I discovered that this wasn't true.
View one of my healthcare heroes, who woke me up. Dr. Sarah Hallberg's Ted Talk with over 11 million views: Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Starts with Ignoring the Guidelines.
Healing isn't only possible; it's probable if you get out of your body's way. I discuss this in one of my blogs.
Most doctor visits are related to living outside of our native metabolism and natural environment. This also holds true for Mental Health.
Once we regain our fat-adapted metabolism, while cleaning up the environment/terrain we live within, these conditions disappear. It is amazing how just correcting one element can resolve things for most. Others may require paying attention to the whole picture.
Our healthcare system is not designed to find the root causes of these conditions. Instead, we are focused on treating symptoms with medication. While this is wildly profitable for all facets of the system, it is creating incredible pain and suffering for the population while also bankrupting us.
Usually, it can take years and even decades before these problems manifest. However, they can be resolved in weeks and months.
Many just want to lose weight, believing that this is their problem. However, losing weight is simply a side effect of healing your body. After my epiphany, I dropped 115 lbs. in 9 months. Over the next 5 years, I have added about 25 lbs. of muscle.
Feel free to reach out if you have a health journey to conquer. I offer a free first hour to understand you and your goals. Together we will craft an action plan to help you regain your native metabolism and move towards restored health and appropriate body composition.
All of this is within your reach and your budget. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page, and we will begin a conversation and a journey.
You can follow my podcast channel "My Metabolic Life" and my shared podcast channel "The Metabochondriacs" with Dr. Ryan Cooley.
Conditions that I have been able to personally reverse or assist my clients reverse include:
Obesity & Weight Issues
Heart Disease
Type 2 Diabetes
Hypertension (blood pressure)
Chronic Inflammation
Chronic Arthritis
Cholesterol issues
Skin Conditions
Resolving Annual Flu and Bronchitis Issues
Headaches & Migraines
Brain Fog
Digestive Issues (IBS, Crohn's, Diverticulitis, Heartburn, GERD, Lactose Issues, Celiac, SIBO)
Well-documented conditions in the medical literature that Metabolic Therapy has resolved or greatly improved include:
Most Cancers
Alzheimer's Disease
Parkinson's Disease
Eating Disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating)
Chronic Kidney Disease (including those on Dialysis)
Pain Management
We will dive a little deeper for additional clarity on the next page.
I will work with your schedule to craft workable coaching appointments
Mon | 08:00 am – 07:00 pm | |
Tue | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Wed | 08:00 am – 09:00 pm | |
Thu | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Fri | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Sat | By Appointment | |
Sun | By Appointment |
Nights also available as needed
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